Geriausias New Horizon patefonas!
Suprojektuota ir pagaminta Italijoje,
New Horizon pilnai reguliuojamas NH95 tonarmas su keraminiais guoliais!
Dviguba korpuso konstrukcija ir vibracijas gesinančia vibroizoliacinės tarpinės,
Antivibracinės kojelės New Horizon 6040RD,
Dirželinė dviguba pavara,
Didelio tikslumo plieninis guolis,
Skaidrus metakrilato 28mm storio diskas,
Paauksuotos RCA jungtys,
Sinchroninis variklis 24VAC,
Komplekte nėra galvutės.
The GDS II is the evolution of an already perfect turntable. The floating frame rests on three springs arranged along the circumference radiated from the center of gravity and arranged at 120 seat. This system is enriched with a new adjustment mechanism even simpler and more precise.
Greater stability is guaranteed by the new 5030RD adjustable feet, already very successfully present in the other New Horizon turntables.
Our inverted pivot has shown great reliability and quietness, in the GDS II becomes valuable and with even better performance with the use of brass.
But these are only the novelties that add to the already present exceptional features of the GDS: double silicone transmission belt, ceramic bearing, methacrylate plate calibrated to the lathe and dedicated external power supply.
Such a particular object also deserves an aesthetic and an exclusive finish with precious woods, chosen among the noblest. The surfaces undergo 7 steps of lacquering to obtain a sumptuous glossy finish.
The GDS II represents the best of our production and deserves to be combined with the New Horizon reading arm in ceramic version. Adjustable in height, azimuth, anti-skating and reading weight and with movements on zero friction ceramic bearings.
It seemed impossible to overcome each other but the magic returns to repeat itself with the GDS II.